In-Person Interview Etiquette

As you progress through the interview process, an employer will schedule an in-person meeting. This is a great opportunity to showcase your personality and confirm you're a fit for this team for both you and the employer.

Below are some tips to keep in mind so your next phone interview is a success.

Arrive Early

While interviewing, let 15 minutes early be your new on time. This allows you time to get settled before the interview, review your materials, and overcome those pre-interview nerves. 

Eliminate Distractions

Turn off you cell phone prior to the interview. This prevents any distracting ringing or vibrating while you're interviewing and can help you stay present in the moment before the interview starts. 

Make a Strong First Impression 

Shake hands firmly at the beginning and end of the interview and maintain good eye contact throughout. Project confidence and speak positively about yourself. 

Be Aware of Yourself

Use body language to show interest (nod, sit straight, lean forward, smile). Be sure to control your motions throughout the interview (hands in lap, feet on floor). If you mention your previous/current employers, speak positively about your role and others.