An internship is on-the-job work experience related to your career interests or current field of study. Internships can be paid or unpaid, take place during the summer or anytime during the academic calendar, and last anywhere from a single week to a full year. Internships are opportunities to learn what you like (or don't like) about a field of interest and to acquire experience to help build out your resume. 

Steps to Identifying Internship Opportunities: 

  1. Schedule an appointment with a career advisor to discuss your interests and career goals. 
  2. Log in to Handshake.
  3. Explore the hidden job market through your network, as statistics show that 80% of jobs are never published and remain hidden in the job market. For this reason, making connections in your industry and networking remains the number one job search strategy.
  4. Join Tulane Connect to network with Tulane alumni and find a mentor. Leverage your professional network to be introduced to opportunities of interest.
  5. Register for special industry networking meet-ups available under Events tab in Handshake.
  6. Use LinkedIn or industry specific websites to network with alumni or professionals in your industry of interest.
  7. Attend career fairs and other Career Services events.